
Fine bread. It seems I've become a sucker for fine bread. どうやら僕は高級食パンの虜になったみたいだ。


People who work hard without sleeping. It is now common knowledge that if you don't get enough sleep, your work efficiency and productivity will decrease. I don't deny that there are people who work hard without sleep, but those who show o…


Walking speed. The way a person walks in public places such as train stations is a good indication of his or her social skills. People who walk significantly slower than those around them definitely have poor social skills. Of course, this…


Number of times determinable. They say there is an upper limit to the number of decisions a person can make in a day. Many famous businessmen wear the same clothes every day to avoid wasting the number of decisions they make. My strategy i…


Endurance tank. I'm a pretty patient person. But lately, I feel like my reservoir of patience is getting full. I need to vent. 僕は結構我慢強いほうだ。 しかし、最近我慢の貯蔵量が一杯になっているように感じる。 発散しなきゃいけないな。


Endurance tank. I'm a pretty patient person. But lately, I feel like my reservoir of patience is getting full. I need to vent. 僕は結構我慢強いほうだ。 しかし、最近我慢の貯蔵量が一杯になっているように感じる。 発散しなきゃいけないな。


Birthday party. Yesterday was my son's second birthday party. He's been so cute ever since he was born. Thank you for growing up so well. You have a bright future ahead of you. 昨日は、息子の2歳の誕生日会だった。 生まれてから今まで、ずっ…


LEGOLAND. I'm sorry. I didn't have very high expectations. The result... The whole family enjoyed it very much. We will go back again. 申し訳ありません。 あまり期待はしていませんでした。 結果は・・・ 家族全員めちゃくちゃ楽しめました。 また…


Thinking backwards. When Amazon Inc. starts to develop a product, they make a news release first. They decide what they are going to release and then work backwards through the development process to get there. It is really important to do…


Lost in the balcony. My wife was hanging out the laundry on the balcony when my son locked the door and got stuck. Incidentally, the son is only two years old and could not open the lock. As a result, the mother and child were rescued by t…


Incoming call. I had an incoming call from my mother-in-law. I have a terrific relationship with my mother-in-law, but I rarely call her. I have a bad feeling. It's most likely an emergency. continue 義理の母から着信が入っていた。 義理の母…


Report by email. Yesterday, a meeting was cancelled, and I sent out an email to a dozen or so people. One of them was a staff member on the same floor, and he chided me for not notifying him verbally. Hmmm, I don't think it's necessary. Co…


Testosterone. A word I've been hearing a lot lately. It's one of the hormones that apparently has a huge impact on health and motivation. Let me assure you! I have low testosterone! Let's do some muscle training... 最近良く聞くワード。 男…


Anger management. There are so many people who can't control their anger. I think that anger is sometimes necessary, but I also believe that anger can cloud all judgment. I am very good at controlling my anger. This is a special ability of…


Not enough exercise. Since the beginning of this year, I have been able to improve my diet and rhythm of life considerably. However, there are days when I can't sleep well for some reason. I have already come to a conclusion. I don't exerc…


Impact of 7,000 yen per month. Last Sunday, I helped my in-laws review their communication expenses. It turned out that they could save 7,000 yen a month by switching their overall communication contract to another company. Reviewing is so…


J League. The curtain has opened. I'm excited. I wonder how excited I'll be if my child become a J-Leaguer. 開幕したね。 ワクワクする。 もし子供がJリーガーになったら、どれほどワクワクするんだろう。


Strategic rest. Yesterday, I clearly had a lack of concentration. I think my brain ran out of gas because I've been constantly thinking about something for the past week. I'll make sure to schedule in some time to rest. 昨日は明らかに集中…

Microsoft発 無料のRPA

Free RPA from Microsoft. Microsoft has released RPA,which is free for any Windows 10 user to use. What will happen to the existing RPA vendors? My company is paying a lot of money to install RPA tools,so... Microsoftが、Windows10ユーザーな…


Tricycle. My father and mother bought my son a tricycle as a present for his second birthday. My son was so happy. Seeing this, everyone was happy too. So happy! 息子の2歳の誕生日プレゼントとして、じぃじとばぁばが三輪車を買ってくれた。 息…


Manager with a crooked navel. In another department,I heard that there is a manager who bends his navel when his subordinate points out a problem. I definitely wouldn't want to work with him. 別の部署の話だが、部下から指摘を受けるとへそを…


3COINS. "3COINS" is an attractive store often seen in shopping malls these days. The main products are 300 yen items,and they also sell wireless earphones for 1,500 yen. They also sell items that cost 2,000 yen. 2,000 yen... 3COINS... 最近…


Local recreational facilities. Recently,I often take my son to small aquariumus and amusement parks in rural areas. The prices of commodities in those facilities are extremely high.LOL Customer satisfaction is... I wonder if there is a goo…


Cumbersome procedures. I moved my bank account to the branch closest to where I am moving. With the change in the account number, various procedures have to be carried out. For example, changing the account from which utility bills are ded…


Everyone has their own impression of that person. What appears to be a good worker to one person may apper to be a selfish worker to another. Depending on each person's position and way of thinking, the impression of that person is very di…


I could keep going for a month. Today marks 31 days since I started my diary. I could write every day without fail! I'm good man! 今日で日記を始めて31日になる。 毎日欠かさずかけたぞ! やるじゃん俺!


An oldman with a soft body. Yesterday,I met an old man with a very soft body in the park. As soft as a ballerina.Posture is as good as a ballerinas's. Maybe that old mam is a ballerina. 昨日、公園でとても体がやわかいおじいさんに出会った。…


Crappy meeting. Yesterday,I attended a meeting that was completely unproductive. I wasted a lot of time. I'm sure there are many similar meetings being held somewhere in Japan today. 昨日、全く生産性のない会議に参加した。 無駄な時間を過ご…


Athletic type girls. My wife is very athletic. Such a friend of my wife's is also very athletic. Yesterday,two of my wife's friends came to visit and we went to the park to play catch. The ball they were throwing was very fast!LOL. 僕の妻…


Bad habit. I have a bad habit of not talking the other person's position into consideration when expressing my opinions. Yesterday,I got into that bad habit. I've been reflecting on it. 僕は自分の考えを話す時、相手の立場を考慮できていない…